The journey to parenthood looks different for everyone. The idea of childbearing has changed over the years, allowing for more ways to become a parent. Having a child, the old-fashioned way doesn’t always go as planned, and medical science has figured out ways to bypass that. Even with traditional pregnancies, the process is rarely ever the same. Getting pregnant is not always easy or quick, it can be long, stressful, and take a large toll on someone’s mental health. Small steps recognizes that.
Small steps is a discreet yet celebratory way to embark on the journey to parenthood whatever that entails. By meeting users where they’re at depending on where the user is on their journey. The small steps system includes ’thinking’, ‘trying’, and ‘expecting’ each designed to meet users at a different stage in their journey to parenthood.
"trying" by small steps allows users to test for ovulation and pregnancy while putting their mental and physical health first. But it isn't just an ovulation or pregnancy test. Trying is focused on helping patients put themselves and their needs first throughout their journey to parenthood. Breathing exercises act as a way for users to take a moment to themselves amidst what is oftentimes a very stressful time. In conjunction, users have access to FAQs, myth busters, along with thoughtfully selected readings and resources.

Ovulation & Pregnancy
Included are testing strips for ovulation and pregnancy, along with clear pictorial directions and information for before, during, and after the test.

Additional Information
Pull-tabs are included with additional information such as an ovulation cycle as well as Do's and Dont's while using the products.